A Study on Smart way of Apprehensions on IoT Security and Privacy

Author Name(s):

Thrisha V.S. and Vikas Reddy. S


Number vof vinternet vconnected vdevices vis increasing as vIoT is vgetting vmore prevalent. vVolume vof vdata vcollected vby vIoT vsensors vis vvery vhigh vand vrequires vconsiderable vresources for vdata processing vlike vanalytics. Internet vof vThings (vIoT) is vnow vin vits vinitial vstage but very soon, it is going to influence almost every day-to-day items wev usev. Thev morev itv willv bev includedv inv ourv lifestylev, morev willv bev the threatv ofv itv beingv misusedv. Therev isv anv urgentv needv tov makev IoTv devicesv securev fromv gettingv crackedv. Veryv soonv IoTv isv goingv tov expandv thev areav forv thev cyber-attacksv onv homesv andv businessesv byv transformingv objectsv thatv werev usedv tov bev offlinev intov onlinev systemsv. Existingv securityv technologiesv arev justv notv enoughv tov dealv withv thisv problemv. Thereforev Manyv technologiesv andv methodologiesv havev beenv introducedv tov providev morev securityv andv privacyv forv IoTv devicesv.

Key words: IoT, Sensors, Data and Internet

Please cite this article as: Thrisha V.S. and Vikas Reddy. S (2021) Study on Smart way of Apprehensions on IoT Security and Privacy .  International Journal of Recent Research and Applied Studies, 8, 4(6), 59-63.






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