A Study on Consumer Preference towards Hair Oil Product in Thiruppattur Town

Author(s) Name: Dr.S.M.Alagappan

Throughout history and in most of civilizations, scalp hair has been associated with positive signals such as beauty and power. Baldness or hair loss on the other hand has a negative attribute. Various factors contribute to hair fall / loss. Genetic predisposition and hormonal factors predominantly contribute to the above. Diseases state such as typhoid, malaria, jaundice etc, also cause hair fall. One of the benefits of using oil for your hair is that it is massaged into the hair which also treats the scalp and the hair itself. You can even massage your scalp and hair with it and leave it on overnight, which results in very shiny and strong beautiful hair. The Coconut oil market has seen a lot of action in terms of launches of value added coconut oils by established players but recently the players have started using ‘packaging’ as a lever to establish product superiority. Now-a-days most of the newspaper and magazines are seen with a variety of different types of hair oil advertisement. Particularly Parachute, Vatika, Aswini etc. The sample population used for this study comprises of 50. Consumer Preference towards Hair Oil Product in Thiruppattur Town selected from the study area on the basis of convenient sampling technique. The data collected are grouped, classified and tabulated with the help of a computer. The statistical data namely, percentage analysis, chi-square test, weighted average method ranking are used so as to facilitate fast analysis and easy interpretation.
Keywords: Consumer, Hairoil, Level of Satisfaction.

Please cite this article as: Dr.S.M.Alagappan (2018). A Study on Consumer Preference towards Hair Oil Product in Thiruppattur Town. International Journal of Recent Research and Applied Studies, 6, 1(9), 44-47.






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