Challenges of Agricultural Development
Author(s) Name:
K.Veerakumar & A. Dinesh Kumar
Make in India is an international marketing campaigning slogan coined by the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi on 25 September 2014 to attract businesses from around the world to invest and manufacture in India. The campaign has been concentrated to fulfill the purpose of job creation, enforcement to secondary and tertiary sector, boosting the national economy, converting the India to a self-reliant country and to give the Indian economy global recognition. The ‘Make in India’ also attempts to enforce the inflow of FDI in the country and improve services by partial privatization of loss-making government firms. The campaign is completely under control of the Central Government of India.
Keywords: Make in India, Agriculture.
Please cite this article as:
K.Veerakumar & A. Dinesh Kumar (2017). Challenges of Agricultural Development. International Journal of Recent Research and Applied Studies, 4, 5(16), 76-79.