Comparison of Sports Achievement Motivation on Kabaddi Players between Rural and Urban Men and Women

Abstract :

The purpose of the study was to compare the sports achievement motivation on Kabaddi players between rural and urban men and women. To achieve the purpose the study sixty rural kabaddi players and sixty kabaddi urban players were randomly selected from Tamilnadu state, India. Among sixty rural kabaddi players’ thirty men and women and from sixty urban kabaddi players’ thirty men and women were selected. The age of the selected subjects ranged from 18 to 25 years. The standardized psychological tool devised by Kamalesh, M.L. was used to quantify the sports achievement motivation of players. Hence, it was accepted as reliable and precise for the purpose of this study. In order to find out the difference between the rural and urban men and women two way analysis of variance 2 x 2 factorial design was used. This study comprises of two factors namely, factor ‘A’ and factor ‘B’. Factor ‘A’ comprises of rural and urban state and Factor ‘B’ comprises of men and women. From the results it was observed that after testing the sports achievement motivation between rural and urban men vs women, it was found that there was a significant difference between rural and urban Kabaddi players irrespective of gender (men and women) on sports achievement motivation. Hence, it was concluded from the mean values that the performance of sports achievement motivation was in favour of rural players. And also found no significant difference in interaction effect between rows (Rural and Urban) and between columns (Men and Women) on sports achievement motivation.

Author Name : Dr. K. Rajendran

Keywords: Sports Achievement Motivation, Rural, Urban, Men, Women.






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