Detection and Prioritization of Significant Issues in Green Lean System in Small and Medium Scale Manufacturing Industries

Abstract :

The purpose of this research is to investigate of significant supply chain menace factors exist in small scale
manufacturing industries (SSI) in India. The small scale segment is a manifestation of India’s socio-economic development model and has met with the country’s long term expectations in terms of contribution to GDP, industrial base, employment and exports. This segment forms a major part of Indian industrial base. Small scale industries contribute about 10% of total GDP. The small scale industries are supported by the government and financial institutions like MSME,TIIC, SBI etc. in terms of technical and financial assistance. Even then MSE’s are lagging in infrastructure, skilled labour. In order to analyse the various menace factors in SSI, the survey was conducted in 20 small scale industries who are supplying their product to many Tier 1 companies and leading automobile companies (OEM) in India. Lean philosophy of manufacturing focuses on waste reduction. Lean identifies some wastes namely over production, equipment breakdown, material shortages, yield loss, rework and scrap, non-optimal performance, changeover, material transport, material storage, inspection, delays, walking, idle time or waiting and excess inventory. Green manufacturing is an emerging philosophy of manufacturing aims to reduce the impact on environment. By using materials that are eco-friendly and by avoiding or reducing pollution to the maximum extent green manufacturing can be ensured and wherever possible the electric power can be produced with this renewable energy sources. Sustainable practices combine Lean Green methodologies. Green lean practices are successfully applied in large scale industries in India compared to small and medium scale industries. In this article the significant issues for green lean system execution in Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMSEs) in India were studied using Customized Interpretive Structural Modeling and the necessary suggestions were made.

Author Name : S.Vijayakumar & N.Dhasarathan Alias Raja

Keywords: GDP (Gross Domestic Product), SSI (Small scale industries), OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer), Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) Environment Issues, Lean and Green Manufacturing, ISM.






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