Effect of Aerobic and Anaerobic Interval Training on Selected Coordinative Ability among School Kho-Kho Players

Author Name(s):

R.Jayachandran & Dr. M. Muralikrishna


The purpose of the study was to assess the effect of aerobic and anaerobic interval training on selected coordinative ability among school Kho-Kho players. To achieve the purpose of the study, forty five school level male Kho-Kho players were chosen as subjects. The age of the subjects were ranged from 15 to 18 years. The selected subjects were randomly assigned into three equal groups of 15 subjects each. Group-I underwent aerobic interval training, group-II underwent anaerobic interval training and group III acted as control. The period of treatment was 3 alternative days in a week for 12 weeks. The data were collected on coordinative ability (rhythmic ability) before and after training. The data collected from the three groups prior to and post experimentation were statistically analyzed to find out the significant difference if any, by applying Paired ‘T’ test and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). When the obtained ‘F’ ratio value in adjusted post test mean was significant the Scheffe’s test was applied as post hoc test. As a result of aerobic and anaerobic interval training the chosen coordinative ability (rhythmic ability) was considerably improved. However, anaerobic interval training was much better than aerobic interval training.


Aerobic and anaerobic interval training, Coordinative ability and Kho-kho players.

Please cite this article as:

R. Jayachandran & Dr. M. Muralikrishna (2017). Effect of Aerobic and Anaerobic Interval Training on Selected Coordinative Ability among School Kho-Kho Players. International Journal of Recent Research and Applied Studies, 4, 7(16), 76-79.






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