Effect of Aerobic Dance Training on Percent Body Fat among College Students

Author(s) Name:

Dr.Shaikh Mushtaq Mahammad Kutubuddin


The purpose of the study was to find out the effect of aerobic dance training on percent body fat among college students. Forty college students were selected from SSA’s Arts & Commerce College, Sholapur, Maharastra, India, were selected as subjects at random and their ages ranged from 18 to 21 years. The subjects (N=40) were randomly assigned to two equal groups of twenty students each. The groups were assigned as experimental group and control group in an equivalent manner. Experimental group was exposed to aerobic dance training (ADTG) and control group (CG) was not exposed to any experimental training other than their regular daily activities. The duration of experimental period was 12 weeks. The pre test and post test scores were subjected to statistical analysis using Analysis of Co-variance (ANCOVA) to find out the significance among the mean differences. In all cases 0.05 level of significance was fixed to test hypotheses. There was a significant difference between the aerobic dance training group (ADTG) and control group (CG) on percent body fat.


Aerobic Dance Training, Percent Body Fat, College Students.

Please cite this article as:

Dr.Shaikh Mushtaq Mahammad Kutubuddin (2017). Effect of Aerobic Dance Training on Percent Body Fat among College Students. International Journal of Recent Research and Applied Studies, 4, 3(20), 88-90.







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