Effect of Interval Training on Cardio Respiratory Endurance among Football Players


The purpose of the study was to find out the effect of interval training on cardio respiratory endurance among
football players. It was hypothesized that the interval training group would show significant improvement on cardio
respiratory endurance among football players than control group. To achieve the purpose of the present study, thirty
football players were randomly selected from Malapuram district, Kerala, India and their age ranged from 18 to 25 years. The selected subjects were divided into two groups of fifteen subjects in each. Group I acted as interval training group and Group II acted as control group. The Interval training group participated for a period of eight weeks for alternate three days in a week and the post-tests were taken. Cardio respiratory endurance was measured by Cooper’s 12 minutes run. To find out the difference between the two groups paired ‘t’ test was used. The findings of the present study have strongly indicates that eight weeks of interval training group had significant influence on cardio respiratory endurance of football players. Hence the hypothesis earlier set that interval training would have been significant influence on cardio respiratory endurance in light of the same the hypothesis was accepted.

Author Name(S) : Ratheesh Babu. C, Dr. V. Vallimurugan

Keywords: Interval Training, Cardio Respiratory Endurance, Football.







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