Effect of Physical Education Programme and Game Specific Exercises on Selected Health Related Physical Fitness and Physiological Variables among College Level Volleyball Players

Abstract :

The purpose of the study was to find out the effect of physical education programme and game specific exercises
on selected health related physical fitness and physiological variables of men volleyball players. To achieve this purpose of the study sixty men volleyball players were selected studying Bachelor’s degree in the Department of Physical Education, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli TamiNadu, India at randomly. They were divided into three equal groups of each fifteen players as physical education programme group (Group I), game specific exercises training group (Group II) and act as control group (Group III). Group I and II were underwent their respective training programme for three days per week for six weeks who did not underwent any special training programme a part from their regular physical education curriculum. The following physical and physiological variables such as muscular endurance, flexibility, resting pulse rate and breath holding time were selected as criterion variables. All the subjects of three groups were tested on selected criterion variables at prior to and immediately after the training programme as pre and post test selected. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used to find out the significant difference if any, among the groups on each selected criterion variables separately. In all the cases, .05 level of confidence was fixed to test the significance, which was considered as an appropriate. There was a significant difference among physical education programme training group, game specific exercises training group and control group on physical and physiological variables among muscular endurance, flexibility, resting pulse rate and breath holding time.

Author Name : Dr. R. Jagathesan


Keywords: Physical Education Programme, Game Specific Exercises, Physical and Physiological variables.






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