Effect of SAQ Training on Speed and Agility among Kho Kho Players

Author Name(s):

D.Shalini Devi & Dr.M.Suresh Kumar


                The aim of this study was to determine the impact of SAQ training on kho kho players’ pace and agility. Thirty female kho kho players from the Hosur district of Tamilnadu were chosen at random as subjects for this research, and their ages ranged from 18 to 21 years. The participants were chosen at random and divided into two equal classes. The experimental (SAQ Training) and control groups were developed (CG). In addition to their normal activities, the study group practiced SAQ training three days a week for six weeks. No experimental training was provided to the control group. Prior to the training, both groups underwent a pre-test to measure their speed and endurance using a standardized test. Following the experimental phase, a post-test was carried out. The level of significance was measured at the 0.05 level using a dependent ‘t’ test. The SAQ training had positive impact on speed and agility among kho kho players.               


SAQ, Speed, Agility, Kho kho.

Please cite this article as:

D.Shalini Devi & Dr.M.Suresh Kumar (2021). Effect of SAQ Training on Speed and Agility among Kho Kho Players. International Journal of Recent Research and Applied Studies, 8, 1(6), 24-27.







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