
Effect of Suryanamaskar and Dynamic Asanas on Risk Factor among Inter Collegiate Men Cricket Players

Author(s) Name:

Mr. Praveen Kumar


The purpose of the present study was to find out the effect of suryanamaskar and dynamic asanas on risk factor among inter collegiate men cricket players. The study was conducted on 45 Inter collegiate men cricket players . Totally three groups, namely, control & experimental group I & II consisting or 15 Inter collegiate men cricket players underwent six weeks practice in selected Suryanamaskar and Dynamic Asanas whereas the control group did not under go any type of training. The psychological variables in Anxiety before and after the experimentation using the standardized equipment. Then data were analyzed by Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) and it was concluded that the selected practices  (Suryanamaskar – Group – I) and (Dynamic Asanas – Group – II) had significant (P < 0.05) effect on the Anxiety.               


Suryanamaskar, Dynamic Asanas, Cricket.

Please cite this article as:

Mr. Praveen Kumar (2021). Effect of Suryanamaskar and Dynamic Asanas on Risk Factor among Inter Collegiate Men Cricket Players. International Journal of Recent Research and Applied Studies, 8, 1(6), 35-37.