Effect of Suryanamaskar Practices on Selected Physical and Physiological Variables among College Men Kabaddi Players
Author(s) Name:
Dr.M.Rajkumar, G.Tamilselvan, D.Chinnadurai, A.Thangamurugan & P.Rajangam
This study was designed to effect of Suryanamaskar Practices on selected physical and physiological variables among college men Kabaddi players. To achieve the purpose of the study 30 inter collegiate men Kabaddi players were selected from Bharathiar University Department and Sri Ramalinga Sowdambigai College of Arts and Commerce Coimbatore. Their age ranged between 18 and 25 years and they were divided into two equal groups consists of 15 each. Group I underwent the Suryanamaskar Practices and Group II acted as control group. The training was given to the experimental group for 3 days per week for the period of 12 weeks. The control group was not given any sort of training except their routine work. The data were collected from the subjects was statistically analyzed with dependent ‘t’ test to find out significant improvement if any at 0.05 level of confidence. The results speculated that the Flexibility and breath holding time of college men Kabaddi players improved significantly due to the influence of Suryanamaskar Practices with the limitations.
Suryanamaskar Practices, Flexibility and Breath holding time.
Please cite this article as:
Dr.M.Rajkumar, G.Tamilselvan, D.Chinnadurai, A.Thangamurugan & P.Rajangam (2020). Effect of Suryanamaskar Practices on Selected Physical and Physiological Variables among College Men Kabaddi Players. International Journal of Recent Research and Applied Studies, 7, 7(4), 10-13.