Effect of Unilateral and Bilateral Resistance and Plyometric Training on Skill Performance of Soccer Players

Author(s) Name:

S. Tubin, Dr. K. Sivakumar & DrM.Rajashekaran


              The intention of this study was to examine the effectiveness of unilateral and bilateral resistance and plyometric training on skill performance of Soccer players. The study was delimited to the soccer players of age between eighteen and twenty one years and they were selected from the Mohammed Sathak AJ Engineering College, Siruseri, Chennai and Hindustan College of Arts and Science, Padur, Chennai. Participants were randomly assigned to four different training groups (15 in each group). Group-I performed Unilateral Resistance Training [URT], Group-II performed Unilateral polymeric training [UPT], group-III performed Bilateral Resistance and plyometric Training [BRPT] and group-IV acted as control [CG]. The experimental groups trained at the same time of day in the morning session, three days a week for 12 weeks, throughout the study. The soccer skill performance was assessed by MCDonald Soccer Test. The data collected from the experimental groups on selected dependent variable was statistically analyzed by paired ‘t’ test and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). The Scheffe’s post hoc test was also applied. Further, percentage of changes was calculated to find out the chances in selected dependent variables due to the impact of experimental treatment. In all the cases the level of confidence was fixed at 0.05 level for significance. Due to URT, UPT as well as bilateral training the soccer player’s skill performance was greatly improved. Though, UPT was much better than bilateral training whereas insignificant differences were found between UPT and URT groups and also between URT and bilateral training.


Keywords: Unilateral and bilateral resistance and Plyometric training, skill performance, Soccer players.

Please cite this article as:

S. Tubin, Dr. K. Sivakumar & DrM.Rajashekaran (2022). Effect of Unilateral and Bilateral Resistance and Plyometric Training on Skill Performance of Soccer Players. International Journal of Recent Research and Applied Studies, 9, 1(1), 1-6.






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