Effect of Yogic Practice on Selected Psychological Entities of Tribal School Children


The purpose of the study was to find out the effect of yogic practice on selected psychological entities of tribal school children. The study was formulated as a true random group design, consisting of a pre-test, post-test and retention-test. Forty tribal upper primary students from tribal areas around Coimbatore city; Tamil Nadu, India were selected as subjects at random and their ages ranged from 11 to 14 years. The subjects were divided into two equal groups of twenty each Pre-test was conducted for all the subjects on selected psychological variables and academic achievement. This initial test scores formed as pre-test scores of the subjects. The groups were assigned as Experimental Group I and Control Group in an equivalent manner. Experimental Group was exposed to yogic practice and Control Group was not exposed to any experimental training. The duration of experimental period was 12 weeks. After the experimental treatment, experimental group and control group were tested on their selected psychological variables. This test scores formed as post-test scores of the experimental group subjects. Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) is used to find out the significant difference between tribal yogic practice group, and control group on selected psychological variables. In all cases 0.05 level of significance was fixed to test hypotheses. It is concluded that the tribal children participated in the yogic practice have better adjustment behaviour than counterparts who have not participated in the yogic practice. It is concluded that the tribal children participated in the yogic practice have reduced their aggression behaviour than their counterparts who have not participated in the yogic practice. It is concluded that the tribal children participated in the yogic practice have better Span of memory than counterparts who have not participated in the yogic practice.

Author Name : K. Satheeshkumar & Dr.S.Rajaguru

Keywords: Yoga, Tribal, School, Psychological.






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