Impact of Field Training With and Without Psych-Up Strategies on Selected Psychological and Performance Variables among Cricket Players


The objective of the study was to investigate the influence of field training with and without psych-up package on selected Psychological variables among Cricketers. For this study Forty two male Madurai District level Cricketer were randomly selected from various schools in Madurai District and their age ranged between 18 and 25 years. Initially the Cricket playing ability of the subjects were subjectively rated by three qualified coaches. By using matching procedure on the basis of their Cricket playing ability the subject were classified into three matched groups, each having sixteen subjects. Group-I was involved in game-specific field training, Group II was given game-specific field training combined with psych-up package and Group III (Control) was not exposed to any specific training / conditioning. The game-specific field training schedule was specifically designed to improve the Cricket playing ability and fitness levels of the Cricketers. The game-specific training packages designed by the investigators of the study was administered for a period of twelve weeks, five days a week, two sessions each day, each session lasted two hours. The selected psych-up packages were meted out for 25 minutes to group II either before or after the game-specific field training. The Psychological variables namely Self confidence, anxiety& worry managment and Concentration (Hardy and Neloson’s Mental skill Questionaire). The pre and post test were conducted one day before and after the experimental treatment. Analysis of covariance was used to analyze the collected data. Scheffe’s test was used as a post hoc test to determine which of the paired mean differ significantly. The results of the study reveal that both game-specific training and game-specific combined with psych-up strategic packages produced positive impacts on the Psychological and performance variables among cricket players.

Author Name : Dr.S.Samsudeen

Keywords: Field Training, Game-Specific, Cricket, Psychological.






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