Impact of Yogasana Exercises and Step Aerobic Training on Selected Physiological Parameters among School Boys

Abstract :
The purpose of the study is to find out effect of yogasana and step aerobic exercises on selected physiological parameters. To achieve these purpose 45 school boys’ students were selected from Chidambaram region selected as subjects. Their age group ranged from 14 to16 years. They were divided in to three equal groups of 15 subjects each and assigned to Experimental group-1, Experimental group-2 and control group. The group-1 underwent yogasana+ pranayama exercises and the group-2 utilized step aerobic training. The experimental groups underwent their respective training programme three days per week (alternate days) for twelve weeks. The criterion variables selected are resting pulse rate, vital capacity and breath holding time. ANCOVA was used to find out the significant differences. Statistical analysis found significant differences between yogasana exercises and step aerobic training in improving the physiological parameters. Step aerobic training differed significantly (p<0.05) from both yogasana exercises and control groups for resting pulse rate. Both experimental groups improves breath holding time when compare to control group.

Author Name : K. Jayachandran

Keywords: Step aerobic training, yogasana exercise, Resting pulse rate, and Breath holding time.






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