Influence of Resistance Training with Soccer Skill Practices on Physiological Variables among Soccer Players

Abstract :

The purpose of the study was to find out the influence of resistance training with soccer skill practices on physiological variables among soccer players. To achieve the purpose of the study, forty college men soccer players who participated in the intramural tournament during the academic year 2013 – 2014 were randomly selected as subjects from Meenakshi College of Engineering, Chennai. The age of the subjects ranged from 18 to 24 years. The subjects were attached at random to one of the two groups in which group I (N=20) underwent plyometric training with soccer skill practices, group II (N=20) acted as control group. The subjects were free to withdraw their consent in case they felt any discomfort during the period of training. However there were no dropouts in the study. A qualified physician examined the subjects medically and declared that they were fit to participate in the training programme for the study. The selected subjects’ age, height and weight ranged from 18 years 6 months to 24 years 3 months, 148cms to 165cms and 49 kgs to 66 kgs respectively. The subjects in all the two groups were tested on selected criterion variables such as recovery pulse rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure were assessed by stethoscope and sphygmomanometer respectively prior to (pre test),after six weeks (mid test)and after twelve weeks (post test) of training except those of control group who did not participate in any special training. The pre ,mid and post test data collected from two groups on the dependent variables were statistically examined for significant differences, if any, by applying the One Way Repeated Measures ANOVA. Among each training, to find out which of the three paired means (pre, mid and post) had a significant difference, the New man keuls post – hoc test was applied. Resistance training with soccer skill practices had significantly improved physiological variables for 12 weeks among college soccer players. The result indicated, though resistance training significantly decreased recovery pulse rate, systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure of soccer players between the 1st week 6th and 12th week.

Author Name : J. Rakesh & Dr.S.Bevinson Perinbaraj

Keywords: Resistance, Skill Practices, Soccer, Physiological.






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