
Smart Energy Meter Auditing with Power Demand Controller using Internet of Things

Author Details

Loganayaki A1, Praveen K2, Ragavi J3, Santhosh G4, Sneka S5

1Assistant Professor, 2,3,4,5UG Students Final Year, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Shree Venkateshwara Hi-Tech Engineering Collage, Gobi – 638 455, Tamilnadu, India



The concept of smart grid has been realized in the last few decades with the evolution of metering from mechanical meter to electronic meter and has progressed from Automated Meter Reading (AMR) to Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI). Smart grids are those networks that carry and deliver electricity based on specific smart technologies. Smart grid overcomes the limitations of conventional grids with the incorporation of smart meters in the grid through AMI. Smart meter can be defined as an energy meter that measures energy consumption with many incorporated smart features like demand side management, demand response, load control, load curtailment, etc. A smart meter forms the backbone of a smart grid imparting all of its smart technologies to the smart grid. The development of smart meter with Indian Standards is described in this paper.

Keywords: Smart grid, smart meter, AMI, AMR, energy meter, demand side management.