Solar Locomotive EV Charging Station
Author Details
Pooranachandran S1, Aakash R2, Asmitha S R3, Bhavyadharshini K 4, Geetha A5
1Assistant Professor, 2,3,4,5UG Students – Final Year, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Velalar College of Engineering and Technology,
Erode – 638012, Tamilnadu, India
The vehicle population is increasing day by day and is expected to exceed the human population in the upcoming years. This would also result in the consumption of fossil fuels and in the extinction of the non-renewable resources. Hybrid and electric vehicles are gaining popularity, making the improvement in charging station infrastructure a necessity. Superchargers and mega-chargers have set a benchmark for fast charging of high-capacity vehicle batteries. Commercial charging stations are available but only at places with high EV expectancy regions. India’s mobility mantra of “Shared, connected and Electric” with 100% EV by2030 seems to be quite ambitious, but with increased awareness amongst the consumers and aiding government policies, this goal can be achieved. Ministry of power and Department of Heavy Industry Ministry has invited proposals with a target of 1000 EVCS and Tata power has proposed to build around500 EVCS by 2020. In mega-cities, multi-level parking stations, malls, multiplexes are available with large parking capacity for vehicles. These places are most likely to be parked with EVs in upcoming days and automated parking and charging stations can be implemented there with the proper infrastructure to support their charging. Even rooftop can be utilized to install solar generation plants of suitable capacity to ensure dc fast charging. India receives around 5000 trillion kWh per year energy with an average of 4-7 kWh sq. per day. A grid connected solar enabled automated charging station will simplify the charging of autonomous vehicles. The driverless cars will function as pickup cars taking the user to the desired estimation with additional features such as carpooling. A rooftop solar installation for domestic purpose can be utilized for charging EVs and can also serve as commercial stations.
KEYWORDS: Electric vehicle charging station, automation.