The Correlations Between Emotional Branding with Brand Switching of Consumer


Findy Suri N.S.Psi, M.Si

University of Medan Area


This study aims to see the correlation between emotional branding and brand switching of consumer . The sample in this study were students of the Faculty of Psychology semester V. The number of samples in this study were 111 female students. Methods of data collection using purposive sampling technique. Emotional Branding was measured using Emotional Branding scale which was measured from 41 valid items (α = 0.834), while the Brand Switching Scale was measured from 30 valid items (α = 0.762). The results of this study indicate the correlation coefficient rxy -0.546 with a significance of p = 0.003 means p <0.05. These results indicate that the hypothesis proposed by the researcher that there is a negative relationship between emotional branding and brandswitching is acceptable. The positive correlation coefficient value indicates that the direction of the relationship between the two variables is positive, meaning that the higher the emotional branding, the higher the consumer loyalty to female students. Emotional branding provides an effective contribution of 39.8% to  and by 60.2% is influenced by other factors.


Keywords:Brand Switching, Emotional Branding, consumer.


Please cite this article as:

Findy Suri N.S.Psi, M.Si University of Medan Area (2021). The CorrelationsBetween Emotional Branding with Brand Switching of ConsumerInternational Journal of Recent Research and Applied Studies, 8, 9(4), 25-27







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