The Effect of Sportsmen Participation on Emotional Intelligence among UG Level Student of Tumkur University

Abstract :

Many educators and psychologists believe that students who receive an exclusively academic environment may be
ill equipped for future challenges, both as individuals as well as members of the society. Certain instances come in our day to day life wherein the brightest students in a class did not succeed later in their lives as individuals having well rounded personalities as compared to their less intellectual counterparts. These examples are particularly evident in various fields like politics, business and administration (Singh, 2002). But then a question arises what is it that helps a person to succeed in life other than intelligence? Which human quality is it that helps people to function better in all spheres from career to personal life? With the dawn of 21st century, the human mind added a new dimension which is now being held responsible more for success than intelligence. This is termed as Emotional Intelligence and is measured as EQ (Emotional Quotient).

Author Name : Shivanna. R & Dr. R. Srinivasa


Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Sportsmen, UG Student.






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