The Effects of Complex Training in the Development of Speed and Explosive Power of Young Children

Abstract :

The purpose of the study is to find the Effects of Complex Training in the Development of Speed and Explosive
Power of Young children. To achieve the purpose of the study, 60 male young children were selected from RRR School, Karnataka, India. The subject’s age ranged from 15-17 years and they put to speed in (50 meter Dash) and explosive power (vertical jump). Pre-test data was taken before the training and the post test data was collected after the completion of a twelve week training period. The subjects were randomly assigned by different groups. The first group (n=15, OBRTG group) underwent own body strength training, the second group (n=15; PTG group) underwent Polymeric training, the third group (n=15) underwent complex training (own body strength training followed by Polymeric training) the group IV (n=15, CG group) did not have any specific trainings. Based on this study’s’ ratio was applied to find out the significant difference between the pre and post tests with regards to the selected variables and analysis of covariance was applied. The results show the complex training programmer shows significant improvement in speed and explosive power of young children.

Author Name : B.Anandan & Dr.M.Govindaraj


Keywords: OBRTG group – Own Body Resistance Training, PTG group- Polymeric Training Speed, Explosive Power.






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