Training and Detraining Effect of Aerobic Training and Physical Training on Physical Performance Parameters among College Men Students

Abstract :

Purpose of the study was to evaluate the training and detraining effect of aerobic training and physical training on physical performance parameters among college men students. To achieve this purpose of the study forty five (N=30) college men students were selected from Alagappa arts & science College, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu state, India, during the year 2016-17. The subject’s age ranges from 17 to 23 years. The selected subject were divided into two equal groups consists of fifteen subject each namely two experimental groups from college students. Subjects were randomized to two groups –aerobic group and Physical exercise (PE) group after the baseline assessment. All the subjects were assessed for muscular endurance and cardio respiratory endurance, 3 weeks Post intervention and 3 weeks after detraining. Cardio respiratory endurance was measured cooper 12 min run/walk test count by meters and muscular endurance was sit ups count by max attempt per minute. The results suggest that the improvement in the physical performance is largely by the increase in the cardio respiratory and muscular endurance in the aerobic group. In conclusion, the study presents the efficacy of aerobic to improve cardio respiratory and muscular endurance with 3 weeks of training in the pediatric group. However, the effect of the training does not last after 3 weeks detraining.

Author Name : P. Kumaravelu & Dr. P. Samraj

Keywords: Aerobic training, Physical training, Detraining, Cardio respiratory endurance and Muscular endurance.






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