Examining Competent Based Teacher Education in context of Aggression

Author(s) Name:

Preeti Goel & Dr. Ishrat Naaz


India has become the first country in the world having maximum youth.(Office & Implementation, 2019)Most of youth now a day’s suffering from various grim issues and found to be more aggressive day by day.  Media has witnessed for such aggressive behaviour among youth. It not only effects individual but effect   family and society adversely.  A class room where a youth spends his lots of time with his peer and teachers gets influence by them and their surroundings. Research has  exposed that teachers’ verbal aggressive behavior stimulate  students’ aggressive behavior, sedative the tendency of  class participation, and pass over their teachers (Geiger,2017).Hence, the teachers should do self-analysis of their own aggressive behaviour and write down their individual experiences in order to understand their reactions and impact of it on the growth and development of the children and modify their behaviour accordingly. Teacher should be competent to deal with such behaviour in classroom. To develop this skill in teachers requires competency-based teacher education in context of transaction education in emotional rich classroom.National Council of Teacher Education also shows importance to deliver competency-based teacher education that deal with emotions also.National Education Policy 2020 shows concern about adolescents’ issue such as drug abuse, harassment including violence and suggest for developing mechanism that deals with such issue effectively and timely (sec.8.11. pp. 33). For developing such mechanism teacher should be competent enough to deal with aggression of self as well as of students. But institutions that train budding teachers have been slow to put up programs that deal with the issue of student aggression. Therefore, this paper focuses on howteachers build up their competencies to deal with own as well as student aggression in emotionallyvibrantclassrooms. This paper also explored the skills required for teachers in determining andcontrolling factors related with aggression and violence in school, risk factor of aggression on students, teachers and society and talks about few suggestions for teacher educators in quest of restructuring present practices to deal with students ‘violence.


Key Words: Aggression, Emotional Intelligence, Competent Based Teacher Education, Competent Teacher, Teacher Training Institute, Teacher Education Programme


Please cite this article as: Preeti Goel & Dr. Ishrat Naaz  (2021). Examining Competent Based Teacher Education in context of Aggression . International Journal of Recent Research and Applied Studies, 8, 3(9), 51-54.






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