
Vehicle Black Box System Using IoT

Author Details

Aiswarya S1, Charles G2, Deenadayalan R3, Deepika J4, Girisha D 5

1Assistant Professor, 2,3,4,5UG Students Final Year, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Velalar College of Engineering and Technology, Erode – 638012, Tamilnadu, India


Millions of people die due to theaccidents. The main purpose of this paper is to provide vehicle safety and a solution that automatically alert the driver to be cautious. In this paper we continuously monitor the vehicle performance using sensors and the behavior of driver with the use of IoT Technology. The Vehicle black box receives the information from various sensors like the breath analyzer, acceleration and the distance of surrounding vehicles along with push and panic button. When the driver alcohol consumption reaches maximum limit, the messages are sent to emergency contacts. If the accident occurs, by using GSM and GPS the vehicle location is traced and the information is sent to local hospital and police. With the IoT Technology, this location is always traced in the cloud platform service. The push and panic button is used to alert the 24/7 Governance to call out for emergency help.

Keywords: Vehicle Black Box System (VBBS), Internet of Things (IoT), Global Positioning System (GPS), Global System for Mobile (GSM).