Author(s) Name: R. Sudeepkumar & Dr. K. Murugavel
The purpose of the study was to compare the selected psychological variables between the finalist South Zone Inter University men Volleyball tournament held at S.V. University, Tirupati in the year 2014-2015. To achieve this purpose of the study, twenty four men volleyball players were selected. Among them, twelve volleyball players represented SRM University volleyball team (Winners), twelve volleyball players represented Bharathiar University volleyball team (Runner up) were selected as subjects. Their age ranged between 18 to 24 years. The following psychological variables namely self confidence and self perception were selected as criterion variables. The subjects of the two teams such as SRM University and Bharathiar University were tested on selected psychological variables namely self confidence and self perception by using Agnihotry Rekha Self Confidence Questionnaire and Physical self Perception Questionnaire respectively. The collected data were analyzed statistically through independent ‘t’ ratio to find out the significant difference, if any between SRM University (Winners) and Bharathiar University (Runner up) on selected criterion variables. The .05 level of confidence was fixed to test the level of significance which was considered as an appropriate. The results of the study showed that there was a significant difference exist between the finalist of South Zone Inter University Volleyball Tournament on selected criterion variables.
Keywords: Winners, Runner up, Psychological Variables, Independent ‘t’ ratio, South Zone Inter University Volleyball Tournament.
Cite this article as: R. Sudeepkumar & Dr. K. Murugavel (2018). Comparison of Selected Psychological Variables between the Finalist of South Zone Inter University Men Volleyball Tournament. International Journal of Recent Research and Applied Studies, 5, 4(7), 31-33.
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