A Novel Approach to Study on Lung Cancer Diagnosis using Halitosis Sensing System

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Halitosis or bad breath is emitted due to metabolic changes in the body. It contains several Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) that are emitted due to various reasons and indicates early stage of a disease. Toluene is a biomarker, which represents indication of lung cancer in patients due to smoking. Our work is to develop a sensing system which can identify toluene concentration in human exhaled breath and thereby diagnose lung cancer at its early stage. The material used for developing this prototype is a toluene gas sensor connected to a microcontroller unit. The study involved 20 participant, among which (n=10) were smokers and (n=10) were non-smokers. The data was obtained by making those volunteers to blow on the sensor. The toluene concentration in normal atmosphere was obtained as 0.59 ppm. The range for toluene concentration obtained from normal people was 0.10-0.40 ppm whereas in case of smoking people it was greater than 0.40 ppm. The results obtained from the current study shows that an increase in toluene concentration was seen in case of smoking people than a normal healthy people.               


Lung Cancer, Halitosis, Sensing System.

Please cite this article as:

C.Narayanan (2020). A Novel Approach to Study on Lung Cancer Diagnosis using Halitosis Sensing System. International Journal of Recent Research and Applied Studies, 7, 8(4), 17-22.






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