A Research on Efficient Processor Design Structure with Reduced Memory Gap

Abstract :

Vigorous approaches for security are dominant in wireless embedded systems due to the characteristic vulnerability of the fundamental shared medium and the absence of any monitoring structure. To promise security and reliability, most of the current schemes execute periodic reestablishment of authentication authorizations and share secrets among numerous participating nodes. However, the present approaches fail to offer appropriate protection from packet sniffing or eavesdropping attacks. In addition, these methods are energy intensive and fail to scale well in energy-constrained situations. Instead of placing the entire matching pattern on the chip, our solution is the parallel intrusion detection system that works by combining extracting as much of the important filtering information as possible onto a chip and infrequently accessing off chip data to make the matching mechanism suitable for large pattern set. Testing is also introduced to clear the bug which is presented in the network application software. It will improve the coverage of the test, clearly saving in cost and development time. The virus detection and testing processor also protect the multi core systems from Real Time attacks and will provide the formal model–based test for multi core system. With the model a test suite can be extracted from the test case generator and a test program generator will generate test programs automatically. Both generators are assisted with model checking on the formal model. In this paper a detailed research on efficient processor design structure with reduced memory gap has been elaborated.

Author Name : Dr.S.R.Boselin Prabhu, Dr.E.Gajendran & Balakumar, N

Keywords: Covert Channel, Embedded Systems, Media Access Control, Physical Layer, Soft Security, Embedded Processor, Memory Gap, Model-based test.






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