Adaptive Congestion Window Management Mechanism for Highly Robust Vehicular Communication Environment
Author Details
Nisha Angeline M1, Shivaranjani M2Akash C Anand3,Arunkumar S4Balaraman A5, Jaishree V6
1Associate Professor and Head, 2,3,4,5,6UG Students – Final Year, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Velalar College of Engineering and Technology,
Erode – 638012, Tamilnadu, India
In recent years, inter vehicular networking technologies are gaining momentum due toitsmergerwithwirelessinternetthroughinfrastructuregateways.Alargequantityofinternetdata traffic heavily relies on transmission control protocol (TCP) due to reliable connection-oriented services. TCP with sluggish window growth and weakly shaped congestion control mechanism fails under multi-hop inter vehicular conditions due to disjoint links and wireless channel errors. This paper introduces inter vehicular access network (IVAN) TCP, designed to suppress the limitationsofcongestioncontrolandwindowincrementalgorithminthemulti-hopintervehicular wireless environment. The IVAN’s flexible window increment algorithm newer growth pattern achieves a faster increase in the transmission rate. Furthermore, IVAN’s congestion control algorithmreducesthetransmissionratebasedonsender’swindowutilityandrelayrouter’sexplicit congestion notification. The simulation results confirm the significant rise in IVAN’s throughput performance, substantial reduction in the queue packet drop and packet latency against standard TCP variants under inter vehicularenvironment.
Keywords:Vehicular ad hoc network (VANET), Transmission control protocol (TCP), Slowstart (SS), Flexible window increment (FWI), Inter vehicular access network(IVAN)