Author(s) Name:
Akhil Thomas & Dr. P. K. Subramaniam
This is an experimental study, focusing on how physical activity influences the condition of children with ADHD. It focuses on addressing/treating individuals diagnosed with ADHD through physical activity. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most prevalent childhood disorders. A recent study revealed the overall prevalence of ADHD to be 8.8% among school-going children in India, pointing out the importance of this study. The purpose of the study was to find out whether regular physical activity could be used in treating ADHD in school going students. The study mainly focuses on the attention of children with ADHD. Students with ADHD were diagnosed using Conner’s 3 self-report and Conner’s 3 parent short assessment methods. 17 students were taken as subjects for this study according to the response collected. For testing the attention of these students, the researcher uses the six-letter cancellation test. Then the group is divided into two groups, the control group, and the experimental group. The experimental group is given 40 minutes of physical activity regularly for four weeks. After training, the researcher again conducts the attention-test for all. The responses are collected and recorded for statistical analysis.
ADHD, Physical Activity.
Please cite this article as:
Akhil Thomas & Dr. P. K. Subramaniam (2020). Addressing ADHD through Physical Activity: An Analysis. International Journal of Recent Research and Applied Studies, 7, 10(2), 11-14.
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