Analysis of the Changes in Stride Length and Stride Frequency in Response to Assisted and Resisted Sprint Training among Male Sprinters


The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of sprinting under assisted and resisted conditions on stride length and frequency among male sprinters. Forty five male sprinters were selected and they were divided into three equal groups of fifteen each. The first group concentrated exclusively on assisted sprint training and the second group utilized resisted sprint training and third group acted as control. The duration of the training programme was restricted to twelve weeks. The assisted sprint training exercises included in this training programme was downhill sprinting, assisted towing and high speed treadmill sprinting. The resisted sprint training exercises included in this training programme was weighted vest, sprint parachutes and harness running. The dependent variables selected were stride length and stride frequency and they were assessed by using standard tests and procedures. ANCOVA was used to find out the significant differences. Statistical analysis found significant improvement in stride length and stride frequency of male sprinters due to the effect of assisted and resisted sprint training.

Author Name : Kantheti Bhanu Prasad & Dr. I. Devi Vara Prasad

Keywords: Assisted and Resisted sprint training, stride length, stride frequency.






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