
Effect of Strength Training Endurance Training and Combined Training on Leg Strength Back Strength and Tidal Volume of College Players

Author(s) Name: Chandrabose. G & Dr. P.Kulandaivelu


The motivation behind the investigation was to discover the impact of quality preparing, intense exercise and consolidated preparing on leg quality, back quality and tidal volume. Sixty male learners matured in the vicinity of 17 and 22 years were chosen for the examination. They were partitioned into four equivalent gatherings, each gathering comprising of fifteen subjects in which, amass I experienced quality preparing, assemble II experienced intense exercise, bunch III experienced blend preparing, three days for every week for twelve weeks and gathering IV went about as control, which did not take part in any preparation. The subjects were tried on chosen paradigm factors, for example, leg quality, back quality and tidal volume at preceding and quickly after the preparation time frame. For testing the leg quality and back quality, the dynamometer was utilized and to test the tidal volume, the Cooper’s 12 minutes run/walk test was managed. The investigation of covariance (ANCOVA) was utilized to discover the critical distinction assuming any, between the exploratory gatherings and control assemble on chosen paradigm factors independently. Since there were four gatherings associated with the present examination, the Scheffé S test was utilized as post-hoc test. The chose model factors, for example, leg quality, back quality and Tidal volume were enhanced altogether for all the preparation bunches when contrasted and the control gathering and the leg and back quality were enhanced fundamentally for joined preparing gathering and quality preparing gathering, and in tidal volume, the intense exercise gathering and consolidated preparing bunches were essentially progressed.

 Keywords: Strength training, endurance training, physical fitness, leg strength, back strength and tidal volume.

Cite this article as: Chandrabose.G & Dr. P.Kulandaivelu (2018). Effect of Strength Training Endurance Training and Combined Training on Leg Strength Back Strength and Tidal Volume of College Players. International Journal of Recent Research and Applied Studies, 5, 6(3), 10-14.