Effect of Taekwon-Do Practice on Selected Physiological Variables among College Students

Author(s) Name: Dr.S.Rajamony


The aim of the present study was to find out the effect of Taekwondo practice on resting heart rate, breath holding time and respiratory rate among College students. For achieving the purpose of the study total of 30 subjects were selected as samples from the age group of 18 to 23 years college men students. The selected subjects were divided in to two groups equally with 15 each as experimental group with Taekwondo practice and control group. The experimental group was given Taekwondo training for a period of six weeks in a schedule of weekly five days for the duration of two hours each. The pre and posttest were conducted on physiological variables of resting heart rate, breath holding time and respiratory rate before and after the six weeks experimental training. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used as a statistical tool to determine the significant difference, if any exciting between pre and post test data on Resting Heart Rate, Breath Holding time and Respiratory rate.  The level of significance was fixed at 0.05 levels. The statistical findings of the study revealed that the experimental group done the Taekwondo practice significantly improved the Resting Heart Rate, Breath Holding time and Respiratory rate.

 Keywords: Taekwondo, Resting Heart Rate, Breath Holding time and Respiratory rate.






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