Effect of Varied Capsule of Fitness Training on Wing Shot Shooting among College Level Men Handball Players

Author(s) Name:

L. Sasikumar &Prof. R. Subramanian


The aim of this study was to find out the effect of varied capsule of fitness training on wing shot shooting among college level men handball players The subjects (n=80) were randomly assigned to four equal groups of twenty handball players in each group. The groups were assigned as Experimental Groups I, II, III and control group respectively. Experimental group I was assigned as Circuit Training Group (CTG), experimental group II was assigned as Interval Training Group (ITG), experimental group III was assigned as Stair Case Training Group (STG) and the control group was strictly under control not involving any special training. Pre and Post tests were conducted for all the subjects on wing jump shot left and wing jump shot right. The scores obtained for wing jump shot right side and wing jump shot left side were summed up and considered as the wing jump shot ability of the player. The experimental groups participated in their respective circuit training, interval training and stair case training for a period of twelve weeks. After the experimental period, the post tests were conducted for all the four groups. The difference between the initial and final scores on wing jump shot ability was considered the effect of respective treatments. The results proved the obtained F value was greater than the required value of 2.77 and hence it was accepted that there was significant differences among the adjusted means on the Wing Shot shooting of the subjects. The paired adjusted mean comparisons proved that the varied capsules of physical training, namely, circuit training, interval training and stair case training were significantly improved wing jump shot ability of handball players compared to control group.. The results further revealed that there were no significant differences among treatment groups. It was concluded that varied fitness training contributed for improvement of wing shot shooting ability of college level handball players.


Handball players, Wing Shot Shooting, Circuit Training, Interval Training, Stair Case Training.

Please cite this article as:

L. Sasikumar &Prof. R. Subramanian (2020). Effect of Varied Capsule of Fitness Training on Wing Shot Shooting among College Level Men Handball Players. International Journal of Recent Research and Applied Studies, 7, 6(3), 19-23.






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