Effect of Various Muscles Specific Resistance Training Packages on Selected Physical Fitness Variables among Inter-Collegiate Football Players

Author(s) Name:

P.Paramanandhan & Dr.V.S.T. Saikumar


The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of various muscle specific resistance training packages on selected physical fitness variables among inter-collegiate football players.  For the present study 60 players were selected as samples from affiliated colleges of Bharathiar University inter-collegiate football players, Tamilnadu were selected as subjects at random and their age ranged from 18 to 25 years. For the present study pre test – post test randomized group design which consists of experimental group and control group was used. The subjects were randomly assigned to two equal groups of thirty each and named as Group ‘A’ and Group ‘B’. Group ‘A’ underwent Various Muscle Specific Resistance Training and Group ‘B’ underwent no training. The data was collected before and after twelve weeks of Various Muscle Specific Resistance Training. The data was analyzed by applying Analysis of Co-Variance (ANCOVA) technique to find out the effect of Various Muscle Specific Resistance Training on selected physical fitness variables among inter-collegiate football players. The level of significance was set at 0.05. The findings of the present study have strongly indicates that various muscle specific resistance training have significant effect on selected physical fitness variables i.e muscular strength, leg explosive power and cardio respiratory endurance of inter-collegiate football players. Hence the hypothesis earlier set that various muscle specific resistance training would have been significant effect on selected physical fitness variables in light of the same the hypothesis was accepted. Significant effect of various muscle specific resistance training was found on muscular strength, leg explosive power and cardio respiratory endurance.



Various muscle specific resistance training, muscular strength, leg explosive power and cardio respiratory endurance, inter-collegiate football players.

Please cite this article as:

P. Paramanandhan & Dr.V.S.T. Saikumar (2017). Effect of Various Muscles Specific Resistance Training Packages on Selected Physical Fitness Variables among Inter-Collegiate Football Players. International Journal of Recent Research and Applied Studies, 4, 12(12), 54-58.






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