Effect of Yogic Practices with and without Laughing Therapy on Anxiety among Geriatric Diabetic Women

Author(s) Name:

M.Veerabathiran & Dr. P. Senthil


Old Age is a natural part of the life cycle.  All living organism including humans undergo the process from conception to infancy, child hood puberty, maturity and senescence. Longer life means more frailty and more disability.  Apart from economic problem they face in their life, the common diseases like ortho, visual, audio and mental some face grave diseases of heart, blood etc.,  The care of old people in a separate branch of medicine called Geriatrics and scientific study of old age and process of growing old is called Gerontology. The definition of ageing varies from society to society and has been modified considerably over time. The study was undertaken with the aim to observe the effect of yogic practices with and without laughing therapy on anxiety among Geriatric diabetic women. For this study totally 45 Geriatric diabetic women were selected as subjects from Chennai. Their age ranged between 60 to 70 years. They were divided in to three groups. Experimental group I –yogic practices with laughing therapy , Experimental group II- yogic practices  without laughing therapy and group III –control group (no intervention). The data was collected from three groups prior to training and after 6 weeks of yogic practices with and without laughing therapy.  Analysis of covariance was used to find out the significant difference between the three groups. The level of significance at 0.05%. The results proved that the regular yogic practices and laughing therapy helped to significantly reduce the psychological variable anxiety.               


Yogic Practices, Laughing Theraphy, Anxiety, Geriatric Women.

Please cite this article as:

M. Veerabathiran & Dr. P. Senthil (2020). Effect of Yogic Practices with and without Laughing Therapy on Anxiety among Geriatric Diabetic Women. International Journal of Recent Research and Applied Studies, 7, 12(3), 13-16.






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