Effects of Selected Yogic Practices on Cardio Vascular Endurance among State Level Cricket Players
Author Name(s):
Dr.K. Gopinath, Dr. A.M.Moorthy & Dr. P.Ramasamy
The purpose of the study was to find out the effects of selected yogic practices on cardio vascular endurance among state level cricket players. To achieve this purpose a sample of 40 state level cricket players were selected at random from Chennai from the age group of 19 – 22 years. They were divided into four equal groups. Experimental Group – I – Yogasanas group, Experimental Group – II -Pranayamas group and Experimental Group – III – Combined (Yogasanas and pranayama practices) the pre test was conducted to all the four groups in measured through 12 minutes run and walk for Cardio vascular endurance. The Yogasanas group, Pranayamas group and Combined (Yogasanas and pranayama practices)was given to the experimental groups and for the period of 6 weeks for five days per week. The training load was fixed based on pilot study, but the control group was not given any type of training. After 6 weeks of training the post test was taken from all the subjects. The pre and post test was conducted for cardio vascular endurance at the end of each session and data was recorded. Analysis of covariance was used to test of significance. The results of the study reveals that the efficiency of the cardio vascular endurance improved significantly (p>0.05).
Asana, Pranayama, Cardio-vascular endurance.
Please cite this article as:
Dr.K. Gopinath, Dr. A.M.Moorthy & Dr. P.Ramasamy (2021). Effects of Selected Yogic Practices on Cardio Vascular Endurance among State Level Cricket Players. International Journal of Recent Research and Applied Studies, 8, 1(1), 1-4.