Enhancing Academic Motivation of High School Students by Teaching with Brain Based Strategies

Author(s) Name:

Reshma .HS &  Dr. Smitha M Reddy                                       


The Aim of this study is to investigate the effect of enhancing academic motivation of high school students by teaching with brain based strategies. The method was tried by scientists, Authors and teachers. It was proved that teaching with brain based strategies enhances academic motivation of high school students. The result of this research shows that 99, 9 students get motivated when teachers use brain based strategies. This theory is now used worldwide for students who are struggling academically. According to the research we found out that people have different learning styles. People learn differently as they age. It was discovered that there are 8 different learning styles. The internet proved that there are more. These learning strategies were proved by the students of Harvard University in America; they were also approved by scientists, Professors and Authors. We recommend that every student should be understood and it must be a teacher’s responsibility to try and find the learners learning strategy. This research proves that students who are using brain based strategies end up doing well at their grades. They get motivated and they end up successful. They end up knowing what their career goals are. The research covers how important having academic motivation is. The research also covers how teachers should be towards learners who are struggling academically. It covers factors affecting motivation because a lot of students are not motivated so this research will look at what exactly is affecting the learners from being motivated. The research tells us what motivation is and types of motivation.


Brain-based learning is a concept of strategy to create learning-oriented efforts to empower students’ brain potential. Project-Based Learning is a learning strategy that utilizes projects or activities as a center of learning. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of brain-based learning and project-based learning strategies on student mathematics learning outcomes, especially kinesthetic learning style groups.


KEYWORDS; Learning strategies, Academic motivation, learning styles and research,






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