1 Dr.R.Shanthi and 2 P Sumathi
1Research Supervisor, 2 PhD Scholar and Assistant Professor in Management
Kaamadhenu Arts and Science College, Sathyamangalam, Erode Dt, Tamil Nadu
Abstract: Employee Engagement (EE) is essential to the development and success of enterprises in India’s retail industry. One of India’s largest employers, the retail industry employs millions of people around the nation. Because to the low levels of EE, the industry is also infamous for its high turnover rates. In our study, we have tried to find out the influence of demographic variable on EE using multiple regression. 298 samples were collected using questionnaire from retail employees of Prozone Shopping mall in Coimbatore. Descriptive design with Multistage stage sampling is used. Except Gender, all the variables are found influencing EE.
Key word: Employee Engagement, Retail sector, staff retention, productivity
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