Impact of Chakra Sadhana on Selected Respiratory Physiological and Socio Psychological Factors among Adolescent Boys


The purpose of the present study was to find out the effect of Chakra Sadhana training on selected respiratory physiological and socio psychological factors among Adolescent boys. The study was conducted on 80 adolescent boys. Totally two groups, namely, control & experimental group I, consisting or 40 adolescent boys underwent 12 weeks practice in Chakra Sadhana training whereas the control group did not undergo any type of training. The Internet addiction test level was measured before and after the experimentation using the standardized test to measure the Computer Vision syndrome. The data were analyzed by Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) and it was concluded that the Chakra Sadhana training had significant (P < 0.05) effect on the internet addiction level. The analysis of co-variance of computer vision syndrome indicated that experimental group I (Chakra Sadhana), and group II (Control group), were significantly improved the computer vision syndrome. It may be due to the effect of Chakra Sadhana Training. Nearly everything in life requires balance. Chakra Sadhana Training on its own is a good step toward a healthy life style. However, as individual, it is important to malaise that we need to work on our body as well as our mind. We can use Chakra Sadhana Training not only as part of a program to improve computer vision syndrome, but also as a way to assist in attaining other goals.

Author Name (s): S.Nithya, Dr.G.Ravindran

Keywords: Chakra Sadhana, Computer Vision Syndrome.






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