Impact of self-regulative and yoga practice on mood status and aggression among male handball players

Author Names(s)

Mr. Mohamed Shafeer M.M & Dr. S. Chidambara Raja


The purpose of the present study was to find the impact of self-regulative and yoga practice on mood status and aggression on mood status and aggression among male handball players. For this purpose, sixty male handball players studying in various colleges in and around Trichur town, Kerala state, in the age group of 18 – 25 years were selected as subjects. They were divided into four equal groups, each group consisted of fifteen subjects, in which group – I underwent self-regulative technique, group – II underwent yogic practices, group – III underwent combined self-regulative and yogic practices and group – IV acted as control group.  The training period for this study was five days in a week for twelve weeks. Prior to and after the training period the subjects were tested for mood status, and aggression. Mood status was assessed by administering POMS (Profile of Mood Status) questionnaire and aggression was assessed by Thiwari Chauhan’s Aggression Inventory. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used to find out the significant differences if any, among the groups for each variable separately. The Scheffé S test was applied as post-hoc test whenever the ‘F’ ratios of the adjusted post-test means were found to be significant at 0.05 levels of confidence. All the data were analyzed using (SPSS) statistical package in the computer. It was concluded from the results of the study that all the training groups have decreased their mood status and aggression.


Self-regulative technique, Yogic Practices, Mood status, Aggression.

Please cite this article as

Mr. Mohamed Shafeer M.M & Dr. S. Chidambara Raja (2019). Impact of self-regulative and yoga practice on mood status and aggression among male handball players. International Journal of Recent Research and Applied Studies, 6, 10(3), 27-30.






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