Prediction of Volleyball Playing Ability from Selected Physical and Physiological Variables of State Level Volleyball Players

Abstract :

The purpose of the study was to predict of volleyball playing ability from selected physical and physiological variables of state level volleyball players. To achieve the purpose of the study, the investigator selected 100 state level volleyball players who participated in state level coaching camps conducted by Tamil Nadu Volleyball Association and Clubs. The subjects were in the age group between 18 to 25 years. All the subjects had participated in the state level Volleyball tournaments. Only volunteer, healthy and physically fit subjects were selected for this study. All the subjects completed the Health History Questionnaire, Physical Activity Questionnaire and the Informal Consent Form and voluntarily expressed their willingness to participate in the study. A repeated measure research design was used with Volleyball playing ability as the criterion variable and selected physical and physiological variables as the predictor variables. Agility was measured through shuttle run test. Muscular Endurance was measured through sit ups test. Explosive Power was measured through standing broad jump test. Shoulder Strength was measured through pull ups test. Flexibility was measured through sit and reach test. Resting Heart rate was measured for by a period of one minute and recorded in beats per minute. It was measured by Digital Heart Rate & Blood Pressure measuring machine, made in Japan. Vital Capacity was measured using Wet Spiromter. Breath Holding Time was Breath Holding Time was measured using nose clip and stop watch. Anaerobic Power was measured using Margaria Kalamen Power Test. Mean Arterial Blood Pressure was determined based on Systolic and Diastolic Blood Pressure. The volleyball playing ability was determined by subjective rating by three experts and was used as the criterion variable. The backward selection in multiple regression method was used to determine the prediction equation. The volleyball playing ability could be best predicted from physical fitness variables, such as, agility, muscular endurance, shoulder strength and flexibility. The volleyball playing ability could be predicted from physiological variable, such as, vital capacity, breath holding time and anaerobic power.

Author Name : S. Benkins Dinesh, Dr. S. Glady Kirubakar

Keywords: Volleyball, Physical, Physiological, Prediction, Playing Ability.






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