Psychological Differentials among Arts Commerce and Science Women College Sports Participants in Tamil Nadu


The purpose of the study was to analyse the psychological differentials among arts commerce and science Women College sports participants in Tamil nadu. For this study 120 each women sports participants of arts, commerce and science Colleges were randomly chosen as subjects in the state of Tamil Nadu, India. The age of subjects were ranged from 17 to 21 years. The independent variable consists of three types of college women students namely arts, commerce and science. The dependent variables selected for the study are parental environmental factor, community environmental factor, traditional & community factor, faculty environmental factor and personal factor. Data were collected for the five dependent variables in relation to arts, commerce and science college students among sports women participants. To collect the required information for the psychological factors, the standardized ‘women sports problem inventory’ was used. The collected data on selected psychological factors from three groups were statistically analysed for significant difference if any, by applying the analysis of variance (ANOVA), whenever the `F’ ratio was found to be significant, the Scheffe’s test was followed as a post-hoc test to determine the level of significant difference between the means. In all conditions, the significant level was fixed at 0.05 level, which was considered to be appropriate. The result reveals that the parental environmental factor for science students was better, traditional & community factor and personal factor for commerce students was better and faculty environmental factor for arts students was better than the others.

Author Name (s) : N. Vasantha Kokilam & Dr. J.Suganthi

Keywords: Aerobic Exercise, Agility, Cardio Respiratory Endurance, Soccer.







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