Study and Analysis of Laser Spot Images Passing through Electromagnetic Water

Author(s) Name:

Zainab Hameed Idan, Muatism Ibrahim Malik & Khudhair A. Assaf


In this paper, a remote monitoring system for desalination of magnetized water was constructed by studying images of laser intensity passing through magnetized water. As the lack of change in the intensity of the image of the external laser spot means the water arrives in complete purity and can, at the ear, stop the system from operating without the need to spend more energy. Where two types of magnets were used to obtain magnetic water, electromagnet and permanent magnet (continuous), a helium neon laser spot image was studied computerically and analyzed using various methods and programs such as MATLAB, Image J, Curve Expert Professional and Origin lab 9.0, and through the use of a digital camera. Its passage in different physical media (regular water and magnetized water) to study its properties as well as formulating equations that describe this behavior for several readings by calibrating it with the TDS and the PH device.


Image Processing, Laser Physics, Water, Permanent Magnet, Magnetic Water, Laser Spot Image.

Please cite this article as:

Zainab Hameed Idan, Muatism Ibrahim Malik & Khudhair A. Assaf (2020). Study and Analysis of Laser Spot Images Passing through Electromagnetic Water. International Journal of Recent Research and Applied Studies, 7, 5(2), 10-16.






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